RevolverMaps Standard GL
Sample with 3D labels
Sample with 2D labels
This improved version of the RevolverMaps Standard widget displays the locations of your visitors as well as the number of visits from the time of the installation on your site. Recent visitor locations are animated and labeled, new visitor locations appear live on the globe. A click on the RevolverMaps button opens the public live statistics page providing detailed information on your visitors.
- responsive dimensions
- transparent background
- 2D and 3D labels
- optimized for HiDPI displays (like retina displays)
- mouse and touch control (zoom/rotation)
- hardware accelerated renderer
- energy saving features:
- lazy resource loading
- stop of bandwidth and CPU/GPU consuming activities if the globe is offscreen
- size
- font
- label appearance (2D/3D)
- maps with custom colors
- brightness
- separate dot colors for old locations and recent locations
- auto rotation speed
- initial zoom level
- initial axial tilt
- sun position
- halo appearance
- various recent location animation parameters
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RevolverMaps Standard Classic refurbished
RevolverMaps Standard Classic displays the locations of your visitors as well as the number of visits from the time of the installation on your site. Recent visitor locations are animated and labeled, new visitor locations appear live on the globe. A click on the enlarge button opens the public live statistics page providing detailed information on your visitors.
- size: 180×180 - 350×350 pixels
- marker colors
- background-color
- maps
- stars
- counter
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RevolverMaps Mini GL
This improved version of the RevolverMaps Mini widget displays the locations of your visitors from the time of the installation on your site. Recent visitor locations are animated, new visitor locations appear live on the globe. A click on the globe opens the public live statistics page providing detailed information on your visitors.
- responsive dimensions
- transparent background
- mouse and touch control (zoom/rotation)
- optimized for HiDPI displays (like retina displays)
- hardware accelerated renderer
- energy saving features:
- lazy resource loading
- stop of bandwidth and CPU/GPU consuming activities if the globe is offscreen
- size
- maps with custom colors
- brightness
- separate dot colors for old locations and recent locations
- auto rotation speed
- initial zoom level
- initial axial tilt
- sun position
- halo appearance
- various recent location animation parameters
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RevolverMaps Mini Classic refurbished
This widget displays the locations of your visitors from the time of the installation on your site. Recent visitor locations are animated, new visitor locations appear live on the globe. A click on the globe opens the public live statistics page providing detailed information on your visitors.
- size: 70×70 - 178×178 pixels
- marker colors
- maps
- background: transparent or black with stars
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RevolverMaps Plain
RevolverMaps Plain displays the locations of your visitors from the time of the installation on your site. Recent visitor locations are animated, new visitor locations appear live on the map. A click on the map opens the public live statistics page providing detailed information on your visitors.
- responsive dimensions
- optimized for HiDPI displays (like retina displays)
- energy saving features:
- lazy resource loading
- stop of bandwidth and CPU consuming activities if the map is off-screen
- size
- corner radius
- maps with custom colors
- land and ocean opacity
- map center
- dot size
- dot colors
- separate dot colors for old locations and recent locations
- various recent location animation parameters
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RevolverMaps Plain Classic
This 2D map is available as an animated version as well as a static version. Both widgets display the locations of your visitors from the time of the installation on your site. The animated map displays recent locations in realtime. The static map is just an image: It's supposed to work on a variety of services. A click on the map opens the public live statistics page providing detailed information on your visitors.
- size: 100×50 - 512×256 pixels
- marker colors
- maps
- corner style
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RevolverMaps Button
The RevolverMaps Button is configurable to display either the client location or the recent visitor locations on a small rotating realtime globe. If you configure the widget to display recent visitor locations, new visitor locations will appear live on the globe. A click on the button opens the public live statistics page providing detailed information on your visitors.
- optimized for HiDPI displays (like retina displays)
- transparent background
- energy saving features:
- stop of bandwidth and CPU consuming activities if the button is offscreen
globe customization:
- size: 14×14 - 40×40 pixels
- surface appearance
- land color
- ocean color
- dot color
- rotation speed / rotation speed on mouse over
- displaymodes: client location / recent locations
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RevolverMaps Link
The visible part of this widget is just a text link. A click on the link opens the public live statistics page providing detailed information on your visitors.
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RevolverMaps 24 Hours Chart
This widget displays the quantitative visitor history of the last 24 hours in real time. As every RevolverMaps widget it's connected to the public live statistics page displaying real time data including more detailed 24 hour stats. A click on the widget opens these stats.
- 2D or 3D appearance
- chart style
- bar style
- width: 293px, 268px, 243px, 218px, 193px
- the gap between the bars: 1px - 3px
- font
- font size
- hours as Roman numerals
- chart color
- bar color
- text color
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